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Questions tagged [dances]

For questions which take place at or during a dance, or in the run up to an upcoming dance.

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Saying not interested to business offers in a group setting [closed]

I go to dance classes run by one group and we have a common facebook chat to suggest bars to go to that play suitable music. We've talked about how we need to support venues by inviting non-dance ...
drawde83's user avatar
31 votes
7 answers

Asking a girl whether she would like to dance with me

Here's the setting: I'm at a popular nightclub, and on the main dance floor there's a girl who is dancing with her friends; they seem to be having a great time and her body language, e.g. her dance ...
D.Hutchinson's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

What do you say to a woman who asks you to dance when you don’t want to?

Unfortunately for me, I am a guy who does not like to dance. I am bad at it (at best). So I try to shy away from circumstances where I would be asked by someone to dance. But there are times when ...
John's user avatar
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8 votes
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What does one do at a dance without a date? [closed]

Connected to my previous question, what do you do at a dance where you know very few of the participants and you have no date? What I ended up doing was mostly standing next to the DJ and modifying ...
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