I live in a shared house. Recently someone from India moved in. Though we have an electric clothes dryer, some of my clothes are not suitable to put inside. For example, a few dress pants, swimsuit, workout clothes (e.g. Under Armor), thermal underwear, should not go inside a clothes dryer. They should be hung to dry.
I had been using a collapsible laundry rack to hang my clothes to dry. I kept it in a common area (and told the roommates they are free to use it). I don't think it's hygienic drying clothes in my bedroom. The new roommate is very offended by my laundry. I tried to compromise and say I would only have it out one day and pack it up as soon as possible. She complained to the landlord. The landlord is also Indian.
I had a talk with them and realized they don't know some clothes can't go in the dryer. They have a lot of trouble understanding this. How can I explain it? Are there any websites? They just say they put all their clothes in and haven't had a problem. I guess when I was growing up most people had the unfortunate experience of putting something in the dryer that ruined it.
After I tried to explain that some clothes need to be air dried to my roommate, she said told me to speak to the landlord so he can build something. I don't think this will work, and he also seems to think anything can go in the dryer. Since it's necessary for me to clean my clothes at the extreme this is something I could move out over. I certainly don't want to go to extremes and I doubt the landlord wants me to move out.
EDIT: to everyone saying "think of other places" I already tried. Clothes won't dry outside in the winter. There's no space in the laundry room. There's no space in a closet (a comment suggest this). I am open to suggestions. I admit a common area is strange, but the space is there and I can't think of alternatives. I don't think my bedroom is good because there isn't enough space and the ventilation for moisture isn't good.