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Questions tagged [breakups]

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5 votes
3 answers

How to tell someone a friendship has run its course?

This person (male) and I (male) went to high school together over 10 years ago, during that time we spent a lot of time together, the typical bro-relationship. Since then a lot has changed, I went to ...
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How to help a friend determine if they are happy or just settling in a long term relationship?

Through my years until recently I have had friends or just known people who have been in relationships that they generally considered long term and committed, but were open (at least to me) about the ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Respectful way to stop connecting with a friend?

Recently I have realized that my interaction with a friend has exhausted itself. They are not a boy/girl-friend and there's no third person involved. We have been closely connected in the past, but ...
SlowJazz's user avatar
  • 153
4 votes
1 answer

Handling an ex-girlfriends jabs in her responses to me?

Background Last month, I broke up with my gf, 36, who I was with for over a year, for the second time. During the pandemic, I had broken up with her briefly but later got back together after we both ...
PKU's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Meeting after a breakup - how to explain I now understand the problems we had?

A little backstory: I am a 25 year old man. About 3 years ago I started dating a woman and we lived happily. Some points it seemed too perfect. I mean we never argued. Maybe this caused the breakup. ...
user29567's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

An Unusual Gratitude

A few years back as a student in an Indian university, my affair with a girl (call her A) and the subsequent break-up became a public affair. A had no role in this publicity and she had already ...
Rakt's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to inform a friend about my will of ending the relationship?

I'm in my mid 20s and I've been friends for 20 years with this person with whom I practically grew up. We were in the same middle school, played together almost every single day after school, same ...
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8 votes
1 answer

How to tell my ex I'd like to get back together without hurting her feelings?

I broke up with my girlfriend 2-3 months ago, before that we've been together for almost two years. Before breaking up, the relationship was the best I ever had. We loved each other, loved each ...
Emy eminescu's user avatar