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threetimes's user avatar
threetimes's user avatar
threetimes's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
1 vote

How can I better control my desire (or need) to send long messages?

1 vote

How to make others respect your property (car)?

1 vote

How to request quicker replies from someone who is often out of the office, and nobody else can help?

1 vote

Girl keep testing my commitment even when its been a year since we got together. How do I convince her?

0 votes

How to politely deflect a "What's the problem" question when the straight answer shouldn't be given?

0 votes

Why the closer the relationship is, the worse conflict we experience?

0 votes

How to respond to peer pressure without being excluded.

0 votes

How do I deal with snarky comments about self-help/motivational books?

0 votes

How can I explain why I declined someone's Facebook friend request without offending them?

0 votes

How to respond to "I'm bothering you" when I do think they're bothering me?

0 votes

How do I avoid / minimise hurtful reactions when revealing information at work?

-2 votes

How can I ask for truly spicy food at a restaurant?

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