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threetimes's user avatar
threetimes's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
85 votes

What is the etiquette for asking a dog owner before I pet their dog?

53 votes

Meeting someone who used to bully me

50 votes

How to join in when people are gossiping?

38 votes

How can I talk to my boyfriend about chores "sharing"?

37 votes

How to politely receive someone when you don't know how to pronounce their name?

34 votes

Is it appropriate to tell someone of the opposite gender "your fly is down"?

34 votes

How can I politely tell a family who invited me for dinner that I'm still hungry?

32 votes

Refusing free goods as a blind person

30 votes

How can I talk with my older cousin about his sexuality?

29 votes

Can I correct other people's children in front of them?

22 votes

How to deal when you are too excited about someone you just met?

19 votes

How to avoid being seen as a cash cow by my family?

19 votes

How to get friends/partner to stop texting me pointless pictures/videos

18 votes

How to deal with a colleague who tries to undermine me?

15 votes

How can I tell someone that their teasing is hurting my feelings?

15 votes

Dealing with people who feel the need to constantly talk

13 votes

How to explain to someone that expecting a favour from you is rude?

13 votes

Asking family members to not send gifts

13 votes

How to politely tell someone that I'm not interested to talk with them at the moment?

12 votes

What should I do in a situation where a friend is completely different depending on if we are alone or with other friends?

12 votes

How to react when a complete stranger bursts out crying in front of you?

12 votes

How to stop conversations about my love life?

12 votes

How to handle very opinionated and aggressive friend?

12 votes

Should I monetarily reward the person who found my phone?

11 votes

How do I decline contact with a previous buyer?

11 votes

How do I deal with other people's screaming children in restaurants?

11 votes

Is it okay to point out someone's keeping quiet in a discussion/meeting?

11 votes

Dealing with differences in fandom in relationships?

10 votes

How to deal with a possibly abusive stranger?

10 votes

How to survive as a notter where it is not the norm?