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Questions tagged [criticism]

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How do I regain respect and professionalism in the face of petty criticism, while learning from said criticism?

Background I am a high energy person and do tend to snap easily when I have a perfect storm of tiredness, constant work pressure, lack of human interaction due to COVID, and simultaneously spending a ...
isakbob's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to get my adult son to stop criticizing his Dad (me) [closed]

Here are three sentences describing what it is that I'm looking for help with: I'm looking for a way to get across to my adult son that I can no longer tolerate his abusive behavior (criticism/...
bivouac's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Communicating to my partner that I don't want to stop smoking

I (man, 30) have been smoking daily since 2012 (2 to 4 cigarettes/day). I do it only when there is no one I know around. I started dating a non-smoker (woman, 5 years younger than me) 6 years ago. We ...
Cphrreiuslo's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

How to properly criticize a poor (scientific) work?

My question: Are there ways to point out errors of somebody's scientific work without sounding harsh or as if I am discrediting that person? A lot can be found about criticizing well and proper ...
Bart's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I encouragingly critique my budding photography friend?

My very close friend (I consider her a sibling) is asking for help with promoting their photography on social media to get their amateur photography business off the ground, but they have only a ...
ElizB's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to tell an artist friend that their art has been getting worse if they think otherwise

Not long ago, a friend of mine got some rather harsh and even somewhat rude criticism, anonymously, that their art has been regressing for a while and that they're squandering all of their potential. ...
anony's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to address a detail of an idea without appearing to shoot it down?

There is a specific pattern which appears frequently in my conversations and alienates my conversation partners. I would like advice on how to address that pattern as a whole, not just the one example ...
Rumi P.'s user avatar
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-2 votes
4 answers

How to handle a social media response that is factually wrong [closed]

On the Nextdoor website, (a platform for physical neighbors,) I posted on a discussion requesting recommendations for a company to widen their driveway. I saw some contractors promote themselves ...
Katie Epps's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to establish boundaries with parent who is always negative

(In case it matters this question is made on behalf another person) I have a parent who seemingly lacks the ability to empathize with me. They'll never say things like "I understand you" or "I am ...
anonymously_asking's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do I make my criticism constructive?

Occasionally, I will find myself in a position where I believe I have some insight as to how someone could improve. I have been thinking about how to give good constructive criticism and although ...
Jesse's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to tell colleague she is mumbling?

Introduction The other day, I attended an onboarding session that teaches new hires the history and structure of the company, and also a high-level overview of product architecture, pricing and ...
Nerd's user avatar
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55 votes
17 answers

How to shut someone up while being only moderately offensive when they incessantly criticize my house?

I know I am close to OCD about being averse to clutter. I put things away in their designated drawer or shelf, or throw (or give) them away if we are unlikely to use them again. That is, I am a ...
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