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150 votes

How do I answer the question "why are you vegan?" honestly, without making them resent me?

When you say "ethical reasons" you are implying that you have made the right choice (morally correct choice). This has an inherent implication that every one else has made the wrong choice. The ...
Dan Anderson's user avatar
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127 votes

How do I politely hint to customers to leave my store, without pretending to need to leave myself?

Pester them with service Continuously come up to them and ask them if they need anything else. You'll either make more sales (good!) or (hopefully) they'll get the hint that your space and tables are ...
Budd's user avatar
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106 votes

How can a girl ask a heavily tattooed, tall man who jumped the line, to get in line?

Honestly, in such a situation, most people may actually not cut the line on purpose. A gentle reminder that he did cut the line would be advised. Using kind words such as: Excuse me, I'm actually ...
SomeoneElse's user avatar
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102 votes

How can I play the devil's advocate in politics without being attacked?

Play stupid games; win stupid prizes... I know that sounds a bit harsh, but if you know that it's an issue that people are passionate about and you play devil's advocate for kicks, don't be too ...
apaul's user avatar
  • 54.9k
83 votes

Is it rude to offer my seat up on public transit to someone who is much older than me but not yet a senior?

No - it is not rude to offer your seat. To anyone. If a particular individual decides to be offended, that is up to them, but you are within your right to free up your seat for any reason you like. ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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83 votes

Is it rude to wear a sari as a westerner to a wedding in India?

I was wondering if it is rude (or expected) to wear a sari to the wedding. Being from India, I'd say there is no such thing that only Indian women must wear a sari. You can always wear it if you ...
A J's user avatar
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66 votes

How can I play the devil's advocate in politics without being attacked?

I'm going to focus on the part of your question which is When I have brought up issues that I feel might have caused the Liberals to perform poorly, I am met with hostility and accusations of ...
Em C's user avatar
  • 13.6k
64 votes

Is it rude to wear a sari as a westerner to a wedding in India?

Let me tell you a story that happened at my friend's wedding (say John) a few months ago. John's an Indian who works in Sweden. The wedding was in India and John had invited a few of his Swedish ...
Procrastinating Programmer's user avatar
58 votes

Asking waiters to let you eat in peace

Apaul34208 gave a great answer, but you comment that you don't want to be bothered at all. So I'll add a scenario. When you order, say (with a big smile and all the charm you can muster, so as not to ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
58 votes

How do I politely hint to customers to leave my store, without pretending to need to leave myself?

Politeness makes it hard to tell them to do anything. However, brains are weird, and you may have far better success regretting to inform them of something you have to do, and the consequences for ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
55 votes

Responding to people questioning my single status?

To add to the already good answers, I'll make this one a bit shorter. If you want to dismiss questions in the future of "why are you single" you can answer "I'm on a few dating apps, but haven't ...
Aubreal's user avatar
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51 votes

How do you politely stand your ground against authority who repeatedly press a question that you declined to answer?

Having been interrogated in much more serious situations, and knowing a little about how these situations are supposed to work vs how they actually work, I would say that your relative is doing pretty ...
apaul's user avatar
  • 54.9k
39 votes

How do you politely stand your ground against authority who repeatedly press a question that you declined to answer?

It is evident from your post that your elderly relative obviously has trouble conveying the information (referring in this instance to only the information she is legally obliged to provide) in a ...
JoeTomks's user avatar
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39 votes

How do I answer the question "why are you vegan?" honestly, without making them resent me?

The safest way is to relate your reasons to you directly, instead of making them so-called "global truths". For example, saying The treatment of animals in slaughterhouses is disgusting. can be ...
Jess K.'s user avatar
  • 22.7k
38 votes

How to invite a significant other to spend the night without implying sex?

I was in the same situation as you just a few weeks after I met my fiancee. It was very late and we were near my apartment which was about 50 minutes from hers on public transportation. I invited her ...
Rainbacon's user avatar
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34 votes

Is it rude to wear a sari as a westerner to a wedding in India?

While the other advice given here on the Indian culture and how to respect it are wonderful, I am going to try a different approach that involves people. In my mind this part of your question is the ...
Common K's user avatar
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31 votes

How do I answer the question "why are you vegan?" honestly, without making them resent me?

I also minimize my consumption of animal products (though due to chronic health reasons, I am not 100% vegan), purely for ethical reasons, and live in an area where this is not common; so this is ...
lana's user avatar
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31 votes

How can I play the devil's advocate in politics without being attacked?

Politics is a very contentious subject. When you "play devils advocate" you're fostering disagreement where there wasn't any previously. This is especially the case if you are just arguing whatever ...
sphennings's user avatar
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30 votes

How can a girl ask a heavily tattooed, tall man who jumped the line, to get in line?

When you try to see the bigger picture behind both people's behavior, you end up with positions of power: The man is of big build, has signs of his personality tatooed all over his his skin, and ...
Elmy's user avatar
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25 votes

Is it rude to offer my seat up on public transit to someone who is much older than me but not yet a senior?

It isn't rude, it is nice. However, as a 55-year old woman, I prefer people don't give up their seat for me as I really want to be treated like others. I wear jeans, am in great shape and not tired ...
Dawn's user avatar
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24 votes

How can I play the devil's advocate in politics without being attacked?

I play the Devil's Advocate all the time, I think with a good amount of success (as in, people don't usually get made at me for it). There are a few things I always keep in mind. When you should do ...
Lord Farquaad's user avatar
24 votes

How to help my friend accept criticism?

It sounds like you may be worrying about someone who doesn't need worrying about. Bruce and his girlfriend may have a different outlook on life to you. Arguably theirs is a more positive outlook. I ...
Astralbee's user avatar
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23 votes

Is it rude to offer my seat up on public transit to someone who is much older than me but not yet a senior?

I can speak as a follow Canadian public transit rider. I have also received condescending / insulted looks for doing this, even from people carrying lots of stuff. Canadian politeness ("No, you take ...
Mike Ounsworth's user avatar
23 votes

How to decline eating food at a restaurant?

First off, this is awkward, and there isn't a lot you can do to make it less awkward. Very few people absolutely will not eat in restaurants. They may eat without enjoying it much, they may limit how ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
21 votes

Asking waiters to let you eat in peace

Asking wait staff to leave you alone probably isn't the best way to handle this situation. They're likely to need to bring you your bill and you're likely to need a drink refilled... What I usually ...
apaul's user avatar
  • 54.9k
21 votes

How best to conduct myself if bringing my significant other to a party where they do not know anyone?

I've been the spouse in this situation. My husband and I recently attended the wedding of one of his best friends growing up. I only had ever met the friend and his wife before (at our own wedding) ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 14.2k
21 votes

How do you politely stand your ground against authority who repeatedly press a question that you declined to answer?

I admit it doesn't directly answer the question, but you should consider getting your relative prescreened if they're eligible. There's a program called CANPASS that allows "low-risk, pre-screened ...
bta's user avatar
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