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Em C's user avatar
Em C
  • Member for 7 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • USA
84 votes

How should I ask people to stop over explaining things?

70 votes

As a woman, how to avoid angry stares from other people's wives or girlfriends

66 votes

How can I play the devil's advocate in politics without being attacked?

56 votes

How to deal with person offloading their indecision on their host under guise of kindness?

55 votes

How to stop people from touching me without having to freak out at them

47 votes

How should someone apologize when both parties were wrong?

43 votes

How to respond to an unfalsifiable accusation?

43 votes

How can I politely decline to guide a student?

38 votes

How to tell my family that I don't want to visit for 2 weeks without hurting their feelings?

33 votes

Best way to give coworker chance to share personal (religious) information with me that I already heard from someone else?

32 votes

How can I convince my girlfriend not to worry about gifts I give her?

28 votes

How to deal with highly superstitious and religious parents?

28 votes

How to participate in group conversations as an outsider?

28 votes

How can I encourage discussion of sensitive topics with my girlfriend?

24 votes

Telling my mother that I have anorexia without panicking her

23 votes

How to tell whether someone would like to have my painting, without imposing a gift on them?

19 votes

How to tell my girlfriend, my friends and relatives that I might have alexithymia, without making it sound like an excuse?

19 votes

How should I address a person who offers a choice of personal pronouns

17 votes

How do I deal with people being overly forward on the bus?

17 votes

How to help my girlfriend if she gets greatly depressed over small things?

16 votes

How can I talk to my Partner about what she would rather do?

15 votes

Can I tell my girlfriend that I'm too lazy to meet up?

14 votes

How should I deal with a close relative that "uses" my possessions?

14 votes

How to communicate your availability to relocate without sounding as a stalker?

12 votes

How to communicate to an Open Source Project that I want more responsibility after being rebuffed every time I try to help?

12 votes

How to tell friend/roommate/landlord that I am looking for other places to live?

11 votes

How can I end a phone-call with my aunt without sounding rude?

11 votes

How can I decline someone's business card with tact?

10 votes

How can I politely ask someone to blow their nose in public?

10 votes

How to offer helping my friend with planning my meal at his wedding without coming across as rude?